Technical Detail of Sliding Shoe Sorters

Sliding Shoe Sorter

Sliding shoe sort technical drawing

Series 1 2 3 4 5
Width (mm) 500 700 900 1100 900
SW (mm) 600 800 1000 1200 960
FW (mm) 1150 1350 1550 1750 1550
A single 2000 2000
double 3000 2000
B single 1400 2300
double 1600 2300
           C 1200 3000
           D 1400 1100
           E 1500 2000
L1 single 1200 3000
double 1200 4000

Sorting Capacity Average of 8000 pieces per hour
Speed Maximum 150 m/min
Each Length Max 65m (splicing)
Width 500 - 1000mm
Height 1300mm
Good Shapes cartons, containers, belts, flat surfaces
Good sizes Width Length Height Weight
700mm 1200mm 600mm 30kg
20mm 200mm 10mm 0.5kg
Please contact our sales representatives when the weight exceeds 30kg


Note: The above are the company's existing standard equipment parameters, supporting non-standard customization design.


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