Flexible expandable conveyors are ideal to quickly create a temporary conveyor line precisely where you need it. You just extend and curve the conveyor to meet your needs.
Key Features & Benefits
Light weight
Compact design (easy storage & manoeuvrability)
Side flexing
Bi-directional conveying
Zero pressure accumulation option
Conveyors can be linked together
truck loading
conveyor gate
temporary conveyor path
can be used when another conveyor has a break down
These conveyors work well in truck loading and unloading, shipping areas, loading docks and plant floors.
There are four types of expanding flexible conveyors:
Non-powered expanding gravity roller conveyors
Non-powered expanding gravity skate wheel conveyors
Powered roller conveyors (no accumulation)
Powered zero pressure accumulation (ZPA) roller conveyors
Expanding Gravity Roller Conveyors
The flexible expandable gravity roller conveyors are suitable for low to medium flow volume. The rollers allow the conveyor to handle odd shaped boxes, bags and cartons that get stuck on the skate wheels.
Expanding Powered Roller Conveyors / Zero Pressure Accumulation Roller Conveyors
The flexible expandable powered roller conveyors are ideal for truck loading and unloading, distribution centres, packaging, assembly lines, shipping and receiving areas.
Expanding Skate Wheel Conveyors
The flexible expandable skate wheel conveyors expand and retract quickly and easily. This type of conveyor expands to fit any area and curves with ease.
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